Ms. Chonlada Ngamnikulchalin
Company Secretary and the Company’s Compliance Supervisor
Company Secretary and the Company’s Compliance Supervisor
On 1st November 2020, the Company has appointed Ms. Chonlada Ngamnikulchalin, to act as Company Secretary of MBK in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Act and the Good Corporate Governance practices of listed companies concerning the Responsibility of Directors, having the responsibility relating to the convening of meetings and the preparation and safe-keeping of documents, such as the register of directors, the notices for the convening of the meeting of the Board of Directors, the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors, Annual Registration Statements / the annual report of the Company, the notices for the convening of the meetings of the shareholders of the Company, the minutes of the meetings of the shareholders, and the report on the fact and the nature of conflicting of interests of the directors / executives, and the giving of recommendations, information/various regulations in respect of which the directors must have knowledge and compliance, and the attending to the various activities of the directors to enable them to discharge their duty efficiently and in the manner most beneficial to the Company.
Moreover, Ms. Chonlada Ngamnikulchalin also holds the position of Senior Vice President of the Compliance Department to supervise and ensure that the Company’s performance is in accordance with the regulations of The Stock Exchange of Thailand, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and other related regulators.